Educating one child at a time

Why 75% of India’s disabled kids never attend a school in their lifetime

Laws on education in India have neglected equal preparedness of three key stakeholders when it comes to inclusive learning for children with disabilities.

(the article is attached at the end)

This is the reality. 

Does this need to stay such?


So the facts:

-the number of children falling under the umbrella term ‘ Persons with Disability’ is increasing day by day. Few years ago, 1 in 150 children were diagnosed with Autism. Recent survey, 1 in 65 have Autism.

– our schools are not training teachers and take students who are ‘best’ because they have no diagnosed disability.

– our teachers have to follow the norms of the school and cannot give into their desire to do something differently to include differently learning children.

-parents of children who ‘struggle’ know that once they get an assessment done, they fall onto the unknown path of education and so many resist till its possible.

– special schools are there but it doesn’t carry much hope in the minds of family and friends so parents resist.

Now for the REALITY that lurks waiting to be recognized!

#SamathaLearning Center is doing all it can to make a change in the field of special education and make an impact on the education system as a whole. And this is what Samatha offers:

– one of its programs is for children in the early years (below 6 years) with a disability. The Nurture program is focused on addressing their concerns and building their skills so that when they are ready for main stream education, these children fit in with minimal support. We are even willing to run this program in preschools so that the parents are comfortable, the schools get the help they need and most importantly, the child gets the early intervention that can make all the difference to his life ahead! Is your pre-school willing to make a change?

-Samatha provides training on site for the staff of schools, to give them all the tools they need in handling a class with diverse abilities and providing differentiated programs as part of their system. Schools can make the difference- one school at a time, one child at a time, one year at a time. Are you that school?

– We offer parent workshops. There is no parent who isn’t terrified for their child. And those with special needs struggle with so so much more. We offer counseling and guidance and help you see first your child, before you look beyond at the other children around and compare. When you look at your child in the eye with pride your child knows he/she can do it all. And then they do!

– Samatha also has a school program for those above 6 years, that is exclusive for children who have different abilities and need the right amount of time and the appropriate methods to learn effectively. It is because of our 1 on 1 teaching, and our focus on the social and emotional well being of students that we see the genius in them emerge!

The attached article says 75% of children in India falling under the PWD bracket do not have access to an education. What a waste of brains that could add so much value to the India of tomorrow!

I invite you to join us at Samatha in making a difference. One change, one child, one day at a time….

Call us: +91-9844155434/ +91-6361494908

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#specialeducation #equalforall #disability #inclusion #differences #schools #earlyeducation #preschools #specialneeds #autism #downssyndrome #developmentaldelays

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