There is power in the written word. Add a picture to it and it impacts that much more! Books are such a great source of information, inspiration, solace and companionship. Building a relationship with books is making a friends for life, one that can see you through the ups and downs of life and hold your hand through both the joys and the sorrows that life doles out!
As parents, reading is a brilliant way to connect with our children. We share our values with our children as we share our happiness in our choice of genres. We can use reading times to share cuddles with our child, which further gives the child a feeling of security. We can teach so much through books. We can use stories to tell our child something of importance like a life skill or a family value, without making it sound like a lecture!
Reading and sharing a book also allows for opening up topics for discussion. And arguing or debating about a third person, like a character from the book, gives everyone the platform to express themselves without the fear of retribution. It also gives everyone, parents and children, the opportunity to find answers to what they would otherwise feel anxious to ask directly.
For parents of children with special needs, books add an advantage. They can help children to understand the link between the letters and words they learn at school, with the written words in books that tell such lovely stories! Some books can also be useful in helping children learn social behavior and emotional understanding. Here is an interesting link to a good reading list for children with special needs.